It happened last night and boy did I blow it. I didn't flyer for it. I didn't spam the internets for it. The Tiki band fell apart. I don't own a mixer anymore so I couldn't use my turntable and instead I had to fall back on just my i-pod. Aurora didn't show up to do the belly dancing. I didn't bring the giant tiki heads. To top it all off, I didn't make any money. Regardless of all that I still managed to have a good time and a nice handful of friends showed up and we got to hang out. Plus I finally met Will the guy who books the Elbow Room and plays in all those bands everyone likes. He was really nice. My musical brother from another mother, Elliot from UTODP also came out. So did Don ,who I was actually able to convince to come jam with Elliot, Jess and I on Thursday night in the Man Cave. Full on stoner trip blues rock time. It's going to be a blast.
Just like the next Tiki Tuesday on Jan. 6th.
I'm really going to try to step it up for 2009. I need to either get the old percussion guy Brandon back or find a new master percussion dude, which isn't easy. Scarboni had some good ideas too for decorating. So did Andy. I think if I just get off my butt and promote it a little better then it'll go off just fine.
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