As some of you might already know, I work for Team Bang. That is the group that does the set up for the Bang!, the monthly mix tape dance party that has been going on for the last 8 years in Ann Arbor. It started out at the Halfway Inn then moved over to the Blind Pig where it's been packing the bar ever since. It's run by two creative masterminds, Jeremy Wheeler and Jason Gibner. I started working for them around Oct 2003 I think. Originally my brother Mike and I were brought on board to help amp up the over all Bang experience by building a light table and running overhead projectors and other light effects during the party. We also became the Bang carpenters and set designers. We started building sets to accompany the various Bang themes. For instance when we threw the Space Bang, we built a rocket ship cockpit that people could take photos in. We also began painting large backdrops and other assorted decorations to go along with whatever type of Bang was being put on. After a few years we had to rent out a storage unit to store all the Bang props and sets. Eventually after outgrowing two storage units and being in desperate need of a larger work space, we lucked into a nice warehouse space neatly tucked away in an industrial area of Ann Arbor.
My wife actually suggested the place to us. She works in real estate and had heard about a local business that was looking for tenets to rent a small warehouse space on their back lot. After taking a tour or the building, we had the space within a few weeks and we moved in by the end of that month. Part of the deal in order to make it affordable for the Bang, was that I bring in my bands to rehearse in the smaller of the two rooms that make up the space. That plan fit perfect for me since the bands were rehearsing in my basement and my wife and neighbors were getting sick of it.
When you first enter the space you encounter the office/lounge area.
On the desk to the right is the audio visual editing station where Jeremy creates parts of the videos that are played during the Bang. On the left is a nice table and chair set where we hold meetings and eat pizza.
This is a photo of the office ceiling, which is covered with Bang posters.
Here is the chalkboard that divides the room in half. As you can see we're going to be busy for the next few months.
On the other side of the chalkboard is the other half of the room which is set aside for band rehearsal space.
I hung up a couple of black lights and then brought in my vintage Third Eye Marvel black light posters and few other nice ones to decorate the band side of the room.
So far we've got City Center, Mazinga, Scott Morgan and Blue Snaggletooth all rehearsing in the space.
In the adjacent larger room is the workshop space.
This is the area where we build and store all the stuff we use to make the Bang happen. There is a bathroom and a mini fridge, fully stocked of course.
We also have a nice large garage door for easy loading & unloading. Here is what it looks like from the outside.
Yes, that is Clint Eastwood keeping an eye on things.
So last Wednesday night we started building mock ups of the decoration ideas for the upcoming Ann Arbor Film festival. The Bang crew has been hired for a second year to decorate the theater for the Festival.
First, we do some prep work before the actual work begins.
Warning! Don't climb the ladder to the loft after drinking!
There is a great loft space above the office. It's were we store big set pieces like the giant cassette tape.
My brother Mike enjoys some bread sticks. ?
Jeremy hard at work on a mock up of a hanging piece for the film fest.
Here is how it turned out.
It's going to end up being back lit somehow. We are still figuring it all out.
I'm glad we have such a nice place to work in.
So there you go. I hope you enjoyed this quick inside look at the Bang workshop.