This Saturday you'll have at least two options for maximum party time in our little town of Ann Arbor, and if you're really up on your game then you'll take advantage of both.
First off, if you like Robots, dancing your ass off to interplanetary boogie and donating money to a good cause at the same time, then you'll want to head over to the Blind Pig for the Robo-Bang! There is sure to be some sexy cyborgs and gorgeous droids shaking their metallic bodies to outrageous jams provided by the Bang DJ's all for your audio visual enjoyment. Proceeds from the event will be donated in support of 826Michigan.

If that doesn't exactly fit your idea of a good time, and you would rather get your ears shattered by thunderous high energy Rock 'N' Roll, then just skip a few blocks over to Main St. and the Club Above the Heidelberg, where you'll find the 2009 Punk Rock Prom in full swing after 9pm. The theme for this year is "This Tragic Moment". Make sure to dress to impress! Music and entertainment will be provided by the bands: MAZINGA, Versificators, Bantha Fodder and Cock Snot (From Grand Rapids), as well as DJ's Jef Porkins and Nate Pancakes spinning punk vinyl all night. Who will be king and queen of the prom? You and your mom?
Come and find out.

I challenge you all to attend both events, since they take place within blocks of each other. I'll be at both. See you there. What the hell else are you going to do on a Saturday night around here?