Thursday, December 18, 2008
2008, where's the beef?
Even if you don't enjoy metal music you can't deny the video is awesome.
Another current band that finally grabbed my attention is the Eagles of Death Metal. Their album "Death By Sexy" is pretty damn good. Their new one "Heart On" isn't as good, but maybe it needs to grow on me a little more. There just aren't any songs on it that smoke like "Cherry Cola" from Death by Sexy.
So there. Two current bands that I could actually go see play somewhere, if I had money to spend on shit like that.
As for local groups, I would go see the Muggs any day of the week. Universal Temple of Divine Power is awesome.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Oh Shit! New BSG webisode!
Can't wait for more!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
J'dub gets a write up + GI JOE movie news.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
School daze...
I have a crazy ass 40 question essay exam in about an hour and 1/2 from now that cover 5 chapters on hydronic boilers, radiant panels, radiant baseboard heat, fan coils and different piping systems. How the hell is someone supposed to memorize 5 chapters worth of hydronic bullshit? Maybe if I was unemployed and let the government pay for all my shit, like most of the people in my classes, I would then have tons of time to study all that boring crap. After that class I have to turn in Lab 3 for my energy audit class. I'll be lucky to make it home by 10pm. Ah, such is life.
UPDATE: I don't think I failed the exam, but it was super hard.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tiki Art Show Holiday Party 2008

Saturday, December 13th 2008
1pm - 2pm
Chin's28208 Plymouth RdLivonia, MI 48150
This year is our best ever with over 15 vendors!!
** Speedcult
** No Fun Records
** Tiki Carver
** Pinstripe Art
** Black Velvet Paintings
** Dave Burke
** Joe Z.
** Slaw
** Heather Watts
** Cat's Meow and many, many more vendors and artists!
+ Tiki Raffle with tons of prizes!+ tropical drinks, food available, exotic and wild music!And it's FREE to attend!But plan on buying lots of Christmas gifts, having a tiki cocktail and visiting with friends!
Weekend recap
T and I, along with C&C went and saw Gorevette last Friday and they were great, good time Rock 'N' Roll music. They did some covers like "Neat, Neat, Neat" from the Damned, "What do I Get?" from the Buzzcocks, as well as the Nikki Corvette song "Girls like Me". They did originals too. The song "Lustfully Yours" is a jam. You can check it out on the bands myspace page. I know that Gorevette recently recorded a bunch of songs with Jim Diamond so I expect something should be coming out early 2009. They're playing again soon at Small's for the Back In Spades Reunion show on Dec 20th. That show should rule. Back In Spades should pack em' in and justifiably so. They were/are a great Detroit Rock group with two of the best local guitar players in their ranks. They broke up way to early so it's nice to see them do a show. Hopefully it'll lead to more.
Also at last Friday's show, we caught the last half of Silverghost's set. I enjoyed what I heard. I normally don't dig on synthesizer-indie pop kind of stuff, but they do it really well. At one point I thought it would be cool if they had a drummer, but I guess that might take away from their electro sound. Silverghost lands in A2 on Friday at the Halfass with Charlie Slick and Tyvke. After Gorevette threw down, The Grande Nationals came out with a full Marshall stack bombardment and laid waste to the Magic Bag with their rock n roll barrage. Good times. The drive back to A2 was fine, but when we dropped of C&C, we somehow ended up inside their place where several rounds of a strange European liquor were consumed. Not by me of course, but needless to say some folks woke up Saturday not feeling so well. No pain, no gain right? At least you had fun right?
The rest of my weekend was pretty chilled out. Lots of house cleaning, stoner jamming, homework, and relaxing. Oh yeah, I did make the mistake of going grocery shopping on Sunday afternoon.
People suck.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Please take a second and go Vote for Mazinga!
Please take a moment out of your day and go vote for my band Mazinga over on the web site. They were gracious enough to include Mazinga in their best of 2008 poll for best punk group. If I can get all of you who read this to go and vote for Mazinga I think we could take it.
Here is your link.
It only takes a minute, plus you can vote for tons of other cool local groups like the Muggs and Hard Lessons.
And if you have time, go check this out. Big Tony update! He's been recovering well from his recent health problems. He's been at home resting and he quit smoking! During his down time he's been working on this awesome Mazinga discography. Enjoy.
Friday, December 5, 2008
2+2 is on my mind
Hey blog reading folks,
Check out the brand new recording of the Bob Seger System's classic 2 + 2 = ? over on the Powertrane myspace page. We'll soon release it on vinyl as a 7" single. Our good friend Kevin Sharp recorded it at his Metro Recording Studio for his upcoming Detroit rock documentary and accompanying music compilation. While we're waiting for all that to be released, we've been sending the track around for review. Here is what our friend David Fricke at Rolling Stone Magazine had to say:
"2 + 2 = Rock!
Sung with a Michigan-rock vengeance from the point of view of a soldier up to his helmet in a firefight, the Bob Seger System's 1968 grenade "2 + 2 = ?" – basically a searing fuzztone riff and hellish-chant chorus – now sounds like great out-of-Iraq & roll. It's also way too elusive on vinyl and CD, so Scott Morgan, one of Seger's killer peers in the Sixties and Seventies, has cut the song with his band Powertrane for imminent release. While you wait to buy, play it loud at"
Thanks Dave. We gave it our best shot. You can find this review in the print version of the magazine with Britney Spears on the cover.
On a side note, Powertrane / Mazinga drummer Alex King is making his debut with the brand new Detroit rock sensation Gorevette tonight at the Magic Bag in Detroit. Besides Alex, the group also features Nikki Corvette and Amy Gore from the Gore Gore Girls, hence the band name. They are performing along with Silverghost, the Dial Tones, and the Grande Nationals who are celebrating a record release. You should go check it out.
Stay tuned for more info on the upcoming Powertrane 2+2 vinyl release as well as a bunch of upcoming shows later this month.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
This place looks scary.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tiki Tuesday.

Monday, December 1, 2008
A turkey of a long weekend.
Despite what my doctor told me to do, I ate a lot of really unhealthy food like crazy insane chocolate pie, taco bell, tons of pizza, and grilled steak. I didn't eat any turkey. I didn't hang out with any of my family. Theresa and I stayed home and grilled up steaks for turkey day.
On Friday Theresa went out to see Counter Cosby play at the Screamin' Eagle club. I stayed home and watched some Macross Robotech and Samurai Jack with Jess. Saturday I was going to go downtown and try to sell Mazinga CDs to the local retailers, but I was having way to much fun pretending to be a shut in and decided to say fuck it.
We watched the film "Wanted" last night and boy did it suck. Speaking of watching movies, Scott Morgan has never seen any of the Star Wars films. He was over on Saturday night while New Hope was playing in the back ground on Spike TV, and he took notice of the Death Star trench run scene. Afterward I was finally able to convince him to borrow my old special edition videos. He does have a DVD player but has never bothered to hook it up. Wish I could say it was because he was to busy writing new songs, but that just isn't the case. I hope he enjoys the movies.
Team Bang got together on early Friday night to discuss the plan for the New Years Bling Bang. The Friendly Foes and Kiddo will be the musical guests that will kick off the evening and kick out 2008. Should be a rocking good time. I'm glad we aren't building any crazy set pieces this time. We've actually run out of room in our current 10x10 storage space and we're looking to upgrade to 10x20. I can't believe we've built so much Bang stuff that we're running out of space.
Whoever reads this blog should go to the Bang for New Years eve. You won't find a better party anywhere in Michigan.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008
Pray for Big Tony.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Big three killed my baby.
On a brighter note...
Some sort of comment high jinks went down over at the ETC blog over the Metro Times 50 coolest music people in town list. No, I had nothing to do with it. I don't even know a 1/4 of the folks on that list but I wish I did so I could get some hook ups for my bands. The people I do know from that list have always been cool towards me.
Happy Thursday.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Save your fork, there's Pie!
The Mazinga cd release show was fun. It was packed. People got crazy. We sold cds and it was good. I missed the after party cause I was tired, but I heard it was rocking' till about 4-5am. The opening groups Invader and JWPP were both high energy rock groups and they were really good. Nice to see actual rocking bands in an area so over run by the Bitchfork generation. Really though, nothing against indie-rock bands, I never liked most indie-rock/college rock music going all the way back to the 80's. It's just not my thing. I enjoy loud fast guitars and bands that go out and explode on stage. I always try to give new music a chance. I work for AMG so I hear tons of new music on a daily basis. I can't stand 95% of modern indie-rock or most of what is covered by spin or pitchfork or the blogs. If you think that makes me uncultured or close minded then so be it.
I love it when the current music scene rips on the old music scene about being an exclusive insiders club, when actually the current scene is just as exclusive, if not more then the last one and the next one will be as well. It is what it is."Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." R.E.H.
Mazinga has always been on the outside looking in, when we've bothered to look at all. We've never been excepted by any scene to our knowledge and I think that may be a good thing. We were never retro enough for the garage rockers. We aren't punk enough for the punkers, and we're to rock n roll for the hipster indie set. All of us (except the drummer) are over weight. None of us are very fashionable at all. We're all over 30. We don't have beards. Guess we're fucked.
Oh well, move along...move along...
Mazinga is playing at the RAW house this Friday night. It's an ALL AGES DIY show space/house in Ann Arbor, MI. We're playing with FAS, Dead Ringers, and Serpent Men; doors @ 6pm; $3. See you there.
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Michigan + life = sucks right now.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Motor City Comic Con
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Anyone who digs zombies should be reading this comic.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
GORGAR the Demon pinball machine!

Old School Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Figures!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
GI Joe Movie News
Here is an interview with the GI Joe movie producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura. He keeps referencing the Transformers movie in respects to how they are approaching the GI Joe film and I don't like it. I didn't really like the Transformers movie, and I'm am worried that the Joe film will receive the same treatment. One of the things I do like is the casting of Ray Park as Snake Eyes! Now if they don't screw up his character it'll be sweet. I would love nothing more then to see the first issue of GI Joe done as a live action movie. I'm am pissed that I haven't heard them talk about the characters of Stalker, Clutch, or Rock "N Roll who were a few of the core members of the original team. Instead we have Ripcord, a later Joe from when the Joe story started to suck. AND... No Road Block. Instead another later period Joe named Heavy Duty. Lame. Today this guy was named as the actor who be playing Destro. God I hope they get this right. I guess only time will tell if this film turns out good or not. At the end of the day I have to have some faith since Hamma is on board. Please Larry, don't let the Hollywood fuckheads ass rape my childhood memories anymore.
On a more sour note, Devil's Due lost the G.I. Joe Comic Book License. I call bullshit on that. The group over at Devil Due brought GI Joe back from the dead and made it cool again. They even hired Larry Hamma to come and write from them. The hacks at Hasbro decided not to renew their contract and now it's either going to Marvel or IDW. Word over at is that IDW will score the title since they already have the Transformers. At least IDW kept it real when they crafted their stories. I can't stand the designs of the robots in the movie.
MOTOR CITY COMIC CON! May 16th -18th!
It is one of the high lights of my year. I hope this year I can party like a rockstar with the geek monthly crew at the hotel. I'm excited to see Bernie Wrightson. I want to pick up a copy of Cycle Of The Werewolf for him to sign. I freakin' loved that book when I was a kid but somebody stole it from me back in the day. Plus we get the new Jones movie that same month!