Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Mazinga updates.

Howdy Friends.
Team Mazinga has been busy with the business of Rock. You can read about the results of our efforts over at the I-94 Bar. Seems the folks down under dig the Mazinga vibes. The Barman himself recently gave our new EP "Open the Blast Doors" a stellar review! Well, go check it out already!

HEY LANSING! We're going to be performing up in your neck of the woods on February 20th at Mac's Bar. You should really come say hi to us and witness the life affirming sounds of Real Rock N Roll the likes of which are seldom heard in the capitol of our fair state of Michigan.
Hope to see you there.

Monday, January 26, 2009

In case you missed it...

Here is a link to a live recording of Mazinga performing last Friday at the Elbow Room. People told me they liked it. Hope you enjoy it as well. It was the first time a sound guy told me to turn up the guitar. They usually ask me to turn it down.